What are the benefits of taking MRCGP[INT] exam in Dubai?

Membership of Royal College of General Practitioners International - MRCGP[INT]

Main benefits are:

  1. Recognized postgraduate qualification from UK.
  2. Successful completion of the MRCGP[INT] exam will enable you to use post nominal MRCGP[INT].
  3. Ability to practice as specialists in family medicine in UAE after 3 years post exam (for non-nationals only).
  4. Depending on location of practice, there are financial incentives provided by the employer.
  5. Ability to go onto UK GP training program once PLAB exam is cleared.

Visit the RCGP International website for more details.

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Hello , thanks for information. I am GP from Dubai, my question is MRCGP international passer will need special training in family medicine for next 3 years to be eligible to apply as family medicine specialists in UAE, or post GP experience is enough?